Consulate of Mongolia in Chicago
Chicago - USA
Consulate in Chicago
Diplomatic representation of Mongolia.
Information on consular services of the
Consulate of Mongolia in Chicago. On this
website you will find general information
about the Consulate of Mongolia in
Diplomatic mission |
Mongolia |
Consulate General of Mongolia in
Chicago - Unit: 405, 1111 Plaza
Drive - Schaumburg - Illinois -
Telephone number
(+1) 312-300-2300 |
Fax number |
(+1) 312-847-0144 |
chicago@mfa.gov.mn |
More information
Visit by appointment only |
Foreign Representation
Find your hotel close to the Consulate of Mongolia in Chicago
Consulate of
Mongolia in Chicago |
Here you will find information about the foreign consulates in Chicago.
In Chicago USA there are more than 150 Consulates and permanent foreign representations. There are also foreign honorary consulates with limited powers. |