Consulate of New Zealand in Chicago
Chicago - USA
New Zealand
Consulate in Chicago
Diplomatic representation of New Zealand.
Information on consular services of the
Consulate of New Zealand in Chicago. On this
website you will find general information
about the Consulate of New Zealand in
Diplomatic mission |
New Zealand |
Consulate of New Zealand in Chicago
The New Zealand Honorary
Consulate-Great Lakes Region (Chicago)
office is closed permanently. |
Please refer all inquiries to:
New Zealand Embassy
37 Observatory Circle NW
Washington, DC 20008 Ph: (202)
328-4800 E-mail:
WSHInfo@mfat.govt.nz |
More information
Foreign Representation
New Zealand
Find your hotel close to the Consulate of New Zealand in Chicago
Consulate of
New Zealand in Chicago |

Here you will find
information about the foreign
Consulates in Chicago USA. In Chicago there are
more than 150 Consulates and
permanent foreign representations. There are
also High Commissions with limited powers. |